
So, our planet is a little f****d and being truthful, the thought of a clean n green planet right now seems a little out of reach. But believe you me, given time and faith from you guys I know together we can make a strong positive impact in this world!!! 🌍

THE PLAN - Starting with low inventory for testing designs and colours but as time progress's more varity will be explored. also, this brand far exceeds just art and apparel. We've got big plans for the future.

Oh yeah, a portion of the sale price of the garments will be going into a pot for us all to decide annually through polls etc which charity we believe the money should go to. However, as the owner of this brand... I believe its wise we only champion the best of the best and with this in mind we will vet each charity we choose as an option. so yeah, you can buy some of the finest garms around and with confidence donate to amazing causes at no extra cost to yourself. 'cool story bro' i know, but trust... every little helps.

#BeAPartOftheArt 👀

Multimedia collage

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    The problem is, things arent always black and white in life, sometimes the solution to a problem comes after the fact.

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    Thankfully there’s a vibrant future ahead for this planet, but if the human race wants to be apart of it forever then we all need to kick ourselves into touch...

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    Because lets be honest, if we carry on how we are as a hole... were going to run ourself into the ground faster than you can say pancakes 🥞

    However, there is a way out this mess. 🙏🏼


    it starts by respecting our natural surroundings such as the ocean, which provides 80% of the worlds oxygen thanks to crustaceans like plankton 🦐


    And making sure that instead of mistreating our precious vegitation and fauna. we protect it at all costs. at the end of the day with out it, we pretty screwed...


    In short, we need to look after this ball we call earth (n yes sorry flat earthers, its a sphere) all jokes aside, we can switch it round but it just takes the right focus in the most effective areas.